Myths About Hypnosis
Hypnosis Dispelling the Top Ten Myths
Authors: Anna F. Fox, CHt and Terril D. Starks, CHt
Date Published: Thu, Sep 30, 2004
Publisher: HypnoGenesis
Myth #1: The Hypnotist will be able to control my mind.
Fact: No one can control your mind, unless you let them. Your Hypnotherapist will give you suggestions that you want to be given, based on the Pre-Hypnotic Interview. At no point during your session will you lose control of your mind. If you hear a suggestion that you don’t agree with, or don’t understand, your subconscious mind will automatically reject it.
Myth #2: I will be made to perform embarrassing acts, such as bark like a dog, or walk like a duck.
Fact: This assumption is based on Stage Hypnotism and Hollywood fiction. The truth is, these people volunteer to act on stage, and they allow themselves to participate in silly suggestions. Hypnotherapy is a serious process of self-improvement, not entertainment.
Myth #3: Hypnosis comes from “Black Magic” or is “Supernatural”.
Fact: Hypnosis is a natural state that has been studied scientifically. Hypnotherapists are not Psychics or Palm Readers with “special powers”. Hypnotherapy is based on many years of clinical research by famous Psychologists such as Dr. Sigmund Freud and Dr. Carl Jung, and more recently, by Dr. Milton Erikson and Dr. John Kappas.
Myth #4: If I become Hypnotized, I may not be able to snap out of it, or Hypnosis is Dangerous.
Fact: Hypnosis is very safe and is in fact, a state of hyper-awareness. Any time there is an emergency, a person would naturally be able to come out of the Hypnotic state by opening their eyes, and stretching or speaking.
Myth #5: I have never been in Hypnosis before.
Fact: Every person naturally enters a state of hypnosis at least twice everyday: just before falling asleep at night, and upon awaking every morning, before getting out of bed. Most people easily enter ‘Environmental Hypnosis’ while at the movies, watching TV, driving on the highway, or while reading a good book.
Myth #6: Hypnosis is a “Miracle Cure”.
Fact: While Hypnosis is a relatively quick method of making permanent improvements, there is no such thing as a one-time “Hypno-Miracle”! Every individual makes progress at his or her own rate. Be weary of those who make wild claims of overnight success.
Myth #7: Hypnosis is a great tool to get someone to “confess”.
Fact: Hypnotherapy sessions are kept private and cannot be used for court testimony. It is not an alternative to lie detector tests. Hypnosis cannot force anyone to “tell the truth” or to confess.
Myth #8: When Hypnotized, I will lose all sense of my surroundings, and will have no memory of the session.
Fact: hypnosis is not an unconscious state of sleep. In fact, most people report having a heightened sense of awareness, concentration and focus, and can even hear more acutely during a session.
Myth #9: Self-Hypnosis is safer, better, or more effective than going to a trained professional.
Fact: Self-Hypnosis can be detrimental when not taught by a trained professional, as a negative attitude or belief about oneself will be reinforced regardless of suggestions given. This can cause more stress and problems in the long run. Hypnotherapy directly accesses the subconscious mind, while Self-Hypnosis cannot.
Myth #10: I can’t be hypnotized because my mind is too strong/ disciplined.
Fact: this is an archaic belief that has, in recent times, been proven untrue. It was thought, long ago, that only 50% of the population could be hypnotized. Over the last 30 years, Dr. John Kappas developed methods to induce hypnosis in 100% of the population. During your first session, we utilize Dr. Kappas’ methods, and will be able to determine what type of suggestibility you have, and hence, how to Hypnotize you. Because it is your decision to use Hypnosis for self-improvement, your mind has already accepted the idea of Hypnotherapy.